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With the 420+ Document Management System (DMS), you offer your business and your customers in the cannabis industry a centralized platform that makes managing and sharing documents and files more efficient, organized, and secure. You can access all relevant information anytime and from anywhere, simplify document management, and ensure that your customers are always up to date. Thanks to optimal control of access rights and automatic synchronization, you save time and improve your company’s service quality.
Our solution allows you to store all documents, data, and information centrally while optimally controlling access rights. This ensures that your employees, partners, and customers always have access to the latest and most relevant information—regardless of the size or complexity of your company.
With 420+ DMS, all users—whether technicians, partners, or customers—can access relevant documents at any time, whether through a tablet, smartphone, smart glasses, or desktop. The platform ensures that all information is in its latest version, and changes to documents are documented in a revision-safe manner. If modifications are made, you can always revert to older versions and track the history of changes.
Our software technology allows you to automatically synchronize your documents with computers, servers, or other systems. This eliminates the manual effort of keeping your files up to date—the system handles it for you. This ensures efficient and smooth document management, guaranteeing that all relevant information is available at all times.
The 420+ Service Platform is operated in certified data centers in Germany, and all data transmissions are encrypted using Elliptic Curve Technology. If you prefer to host the solution on your own company’s servers, this is also easily possible. We guarantee the highest level of security and protection for your sensitive information.
Please confirm that you are over 18 years old.